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Top Tips About the Placement of your Natural Stone Birdbath in Garden

Top Tips About the Placement of your Natural Stone Birdbath in Garden

Natural stone birdbaths are one of the best ways to attract tiny feathered guests to your garden or backyard. Whether it is a natural or artificial water body, its presence attracts the attention of the birds in no time, such that they might even think about nesting and dwelling in one of your trees or hollow spaces. But what is imperative to realize is that merely the installation of the birdbath would not amount to the results that you desire. There are certain pivotal steps that you are required to take regarding the placement of the stone birdbath to increase the its utility for your feathery friends. 

How the Right Placement of the Birdbath Would Increase Its Utility for Birds?

Birds utilize water in many ways, especially during the scorching summer heat. They require it for bathing, drinking and preening. When they are flocking around, they might take a plunge into the tank to refresh and rejuvenate themselves. So, the right placement of the bird bath is essential to make it convenient and accessible for not just the birds but other small wildlife as well. 

That is why, there are certain tips that you ought to follow while placing the birdbath in the right way to not only increase its utility for the birds but also get an essential birdbath decor product that can amplify the aesthetics of your garden or backyard. 

MUST READ: Best Tips for Locating a Natural Stone Birdbath Near a Birdhouse

Let us look at them below- 

Clean the birdbath on a regular basis:

A clean birdbath is imperative for the health and wellness of the birds. The stagnant water of the birdbath can allow the growth of bacteria and algae and can even contract the diseases resulting from the contaminated water. When you are buying natural stone birdbath, then it would enable you to scrub the surface with a brush and thoroughly rinse it with clean water. 

Keep the Birdbath Filled with Fresh Water:

Fill the birdbath surface with the fresh water on a regular basis. Birds would not prefer to use the water that is stagnant or dirty. When you are ordering the birdbath online, it would be best to go with the urli birdbaths that are at least 2 inches deep. It would enable the birds to drink the water and plunge and bathe on a comfortable basis. 

Try to Add a Source of Moving Water:

Birds always get attracted to the sound of the moving water. That is why, you can always consider going for a product that can function as fountain cum birdbath. By that way, you will not only get a fountain for garden or a fountain for balcony but also a flowing body of water to attract the attention of the birds. Besides, it will also help you spend some quality time outdoors while listening to the soothing sound of flowing water and chirping of the birds in the surroundings. 

MUST READ: Things You Should Know Before Installing a Birdbath

Add a Few Rocks and Pebbles:

The arrangement of a few natural rocks and pebble stones around the birdbath would offer additional perches for the birds to stand on while drinking or bathing. Placing a natural stone bird feeder with favorite food grains would help the birds to prolong their stay at your vicinity. 

Try to Add a Drip Irrigation System:

The presence of a small drip irrigation system can offer a constant source of clean water to the birds. It will also keep the birdbath clean as the slow drips of water prevent the water from being static and thus attract the attention of the birds easily. 

Whether you are buying birdbath fountain for garden, birdbath fountain for backyard or birdbath fountain for balcony, prefer to buy one hand carved out of natural sandstone or granite. As they are naturally robust, highly durable and require less amount of maintenance. Always deal with a reliable natural stone birdbath and fountain décor manufacturer and exporter brand online.